Friday, April 18, 2008

Lesson in Listening

March 23, 2008 – Sunday

Let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath.

James 1:19

Dear Lord, many times I say things I shouldn’t. Help me to listen more than I talk today. Amen.


Yes, listening is very good. We should also be mindful of our tongues and tempers too. How many times has there been a misunderstanding caused by an idea not expressed properly or completely? This should also include our tone of voice and our ability to hold a conversation. There are many times where in someone will want my undivided attention but my mind is racing with tasks I need to complete in order to keep the schedule that I have laid out for that day. And I just don’t give them the time or attention that they deserve. Then my attitude, mannerisms, and tone will reflect my dividedness. Is this loving well? I think not…

Take the time today to give your undivided attention to everyone who requires it – or make arrangements to give them your time and attention when you are able to – and then keep that date!!!

Love you all!!!

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