Monday, April 21, 2008

Love One Another

January 8, 2008 – Tuesday

And the Lord make you to increase and abound in love one toward another, and toward all men, even as we do toward you.

1 Thessalonians 3:12

Lord, may I look for the special qualities that are present in each person that I meet today and may I give You the thanks for them. Amen.


How many times do we perceive people from the first impression? The first impression is generally wrong anyway – so why do we follow this instinct? If only we would take the time to really get to know the person and pray over the relationship, can you imagine the possibilities? I believe that there are certain people sent to us for very specific reasons, and I am so very thankful for the relationships that are developing. I am so very blessed!! I challenge you today to pray for an opportunity to see someone in your life from God’s perspective, and then ask Him to lead you into a bountiful relationship.

Oh Heavenly Father, we are here on earth for such a short time, and yet we take so many things for granted. Lord, thank You so very much for Your children that You have strategically placed in my path!! I have learned and grown from each of them, and continue to do so. Lord I pray that these relationships are not just one sided; I want to be beneficial to them as well. I want them to see how much they actually mean to me. Lord, help me to express love to them. I also pray for new opportunities to love and encourage, in any way that You see fit. Lord, please use me for Your divine purpose. In Jesus Precious Name. Amen.

Love you all!!!!

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